A 4th of July Birthday Wish from Kizmet to America

Kizmet is using my head as a pillow. He lives for these happy moments and so do I.

Kizmet is an “I’m happy if I can be sleeping on my beloved human’s head,” kind of cat. Politics is not his thing to pontificate, nor as his human, is it mine. However, with today the 4th of July, 248 years since the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, it’s hard not to think of politics as America ponders its future.Β  Today is also Kizmet’s 12th birthday and the only wish he has, is the same one I have: regardless of where you stand, or what your beliefs are, we hope we can come together as a race, with compassion, empathy, tolerance, and fairness.

Happy 12th Birthday, Kizmet!

Take care everyone, and be safe. And don’t forget,Β  the 4th of July can be a rough, scary, and dangerous time for our feline friends. Please visit here for my previous post on how to keep our cats safe and secure during the 4th of July festivities and the hot, summer days.

Kizmet from November, 2012. This was a few days after we adopted him from Pet Supermarket (he had been found, abandoned on the side of the road as a kitten).


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  1. Happy Birthday, Kizmet!
    And Happy Birthday to America, petcretary’s adopted country!

  2. Zoolatry says:

    Happy YOUR Day, Kizmet … such a sweet and beautiful photo of you and your Mommy. We, too … try to stay away from being “pawlitical”, especially on our blog, though in these times find it a bit harder, and today had to comment just a bit, sharing your concerns.

    • Deb says:

      Thank you for stopping by Zoolatry and for giving Kizmet a special shout out at the Cat Blogosphere, today! It truly is impossible not to have concerns.

  3. Happy Birthday handsome Kizmet and Happy Independence Day!

  4. Happy Birthday Kismet!!!

  5. jmuhj says:

    Happy 248th, USA! As fragile, fractious, and flawed as it is, it is still the best the nations of the world have been able to come up with, and I, for one, pray that our democracy is as valued by most as it is by me.

    Happy PURRthday, Kizmet! Stay safe, comfortable, happy, well cared for, and LOVED! <3

  6. Leah says:

    Happy Birthday πŸŽ‰ Kizmet! And Happy Independence Day to all!

  7. Such a cutie! Happy Birthday and Happy 4th! XO

  8. Mary McNeil says:

    Happy Purrthday KIzmet !

  9. Happy happy 12th Birfday Kizmet!!!
    Say wee both 12 yeerss old!!! 2012 WAS a guud yeer πŸ˜‰
    You look so cozy snuggelled on Miss Deb’ss head. Mee does that once inn a while to BellaSita Mum….
    Stay safe an bee carefull….bet THE bang-bangss will bee loud tonite…
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an **blowss kissess** BellaSita Mum

  10. Extra Pawkisses for a Happy 12th Birthday, KizmetπŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  11. Happy Birthday Kizmet, we hope your day was EPIC!

  12. Kizmet that is the BEST advice EVER!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I can’t believe you are 12!!!! No way! xoxo

  13. Marjorie and Toulouse says:

    Happy Birthday absolutely handsome mancat. I hope your day was relaxing, filled with treats and cuddles!

  14. meowmeowmans says:

    Happy belated birthday, Kizmet! And we most definitely share your concerns for our beloved country.

  15. LOULOU says:

    This is our first visit and oh, what an adorable kitty. Another Kismet, as we know one already, and a lovely name for a kitty. Thank you for your commemoration of the rainbow bridge kitties. I am one of them, but I live in our garden where my earthly body nourishes my rose garden and I float around giving mama and papa good ideas for living a sweet life. Yes, compassion, ethics, generosity, all so very important. Go, Harris!!!!