Wordless Wednesday – A Cat Blogger Takes a Summer Break


Okay… much as the cats would probably enjoy it, I haven’t literally gone fishing. It’s just not my thing and I’ll leave it at that. I’m borrowing the term to let you all know I will be off-line for awhile. My oldest step-daughter, Crystal, is visiting from Boston for a week and I actually have plans that don’t center around my computer. I know, it’s shocking news to digest, but I am fairly certain the world will get along just fine without me for a few days!

Have a wonderful week all – I will be back soon, sans fish, and hopefully will be refreshed and ready to jump back into the world of all things cats! On that note, I want to thank all of you that are on board with my Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day that is scheduled for August 28th. I have put together an event page on Facebook and if you have not yet joined, please click here for details.



Speaking of summer breaks, hope yours includes some reading! There is still plenty of time to order a copy of Purr Prints of the Heart – not only is it a great read, but if you buy a copy this month, you will be helping the cats of Cat Care Society in Lakewood, CO.

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  1. Glogirly says:

    Plans that don’t include your computer??? haha!
    Enjoy a wonderful week with your step daughter…. and of course, with the cats!


  2. Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!

  3. Ingrid King says:

    Good for you for taking some time off! Have a wonderful week!

  4. Enjoy your time off! 🙂

  5. Bernadette says:

    Enjoy your holiday! We know there will be photos!

  6. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    well cranbereez guys….we wuz hopin yur mom WAZ goin fishin
    N her waz gonna bring home catch oh de day …like flounder, perch,
    salmon, bloo gill, trout, mackerull…..oh well 🙂

    hope everee one haza grate grate time, ENJOY….see ewe soon ♥

  7. No fishies? Well, have fun anyway.

  8. Flynn says:

    Have a lovely time with your step daughter.

  9. Have a most pawesome time!!! Just for the record…I LOVE to fish 🙂

  10. Enjoy your break ! See you later ! Purrs

  11. I hope you have a wonderful time, Deb! You definitely deserve a break!

  12. Have a great time!! 🙂

  13. meowmeowmans says:

    We sure hope you’re having a wonderful, restful ad restorative week off! 🙂