Wordless Wednesday – A Cat Blogger Takes a Summer Break
Okay… much as the cats would probably enjoy it, I haven’t literally gone fishing. It’s just not my thing and I’ll leave it at that. I’m borrowing the term to let you all know I will be off-line for awhile. My oldest step-daughter, Crystal, is visiting from Boston for a week and I actually have plans that don’t center around my computer. I know, it’s shocking news to digest, but I am fairly certain the world will get along just fine without me for a few days!
Have a wonderful week all – I will be back soon, sans fish, and hopefully will be refreshed and ready to jump back into the world of all things cats! On that note, I want to thank all of you that are on board with my Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day that is scheduled for August 28th. I have put together an event page on Facebook and if you have not yet joined, please click here for details.
Plans that don’t include your computer??? haha!
Enjoy a wonderful week with your step daughter…. and of course, with the cats!
Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!
Good for you for taking some time off! Have a wonderful week!
Enjoy your time off! 🙂
Enjoy your holiday! We know there will be photos!
well cranbereez guys….we wuz hopin yur mom WAZ goin fishin
N her waz gonna bring home catch oh de day …like flounder, perch,
salmon, bloo gill, trout, mackerull…..oh well 🙂
hope everee one haza grate grate time, ENJOY….see ewe soon ♥
No fishies? Well, have fun anyway.
Have a lovely time with your step daughter.
Have a most pawesome time!!! Just for the record…I LOVE to fish 🙂
Enjoy your break ! See you later ! Purrs
I hope you have a wonderful time, Deb! You definitely deserve a break!
Have a great time!! 🙂
We sure hope you’re having a wonderful, restful ad restorative week off! 🙂