Hug Your Cat Day – A Mandatory Part 2 in Perpetuity

This was the image I shared for Hug Your Cat Day – I love this picture because all of my cats are sharing the love with me!
June 4th was Hug Your Cat Day, but somehow it just doesn’t seem like enough. On Monday, my dear friend, Caren Gittleman of Cat Chat with Caren and Cody did a review of Purr Prints of the Heart that really stopped me in my tracks. You always run the risk of asking a friend to do a review – will they be honest with what they write, or will they feel obligated to say something positive so as not to risk hurting feelings? For those of you that know Caren, she is a straight shooter and that happens to be one of the reasons I adore her so much. She tells it like it is and she doesn’t pull punches. When I read her review, she brought me to tears. I knew it was the real deal – it came from the heart and she really got the essence of the book.
If you haven’t yet read the review, I hope you will (please click here to read) – the wonderful thing about it, is that it allowed for the comfortable forum that we all need when it comes to sharing the memories of those pets in our lives that we have had to say goodbye to. There were a lot of great comments and it really opened the door to honest conversation. But it also brought to the surface, once again, just how fleeting life is. We have these precious beings in our lives – our cats – and then they leave us. My point? That we need to love and hug our cats every single minute of every single day when the opportunity presents itself because the time we have with them is precious and borrowed in the scheme of our own lives.
This came to a jarring reality yesterday. One of my friends, Melissa Lapierre of Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries, and Meows, someone who had also reviewed Purr Prints of the Heart, shared this heartbreaking message on Facebook:
I don’t even know how I’m typing this because I’m still so numb and in shock that I can’t even think straight. Just after midnight Truffles passed away. She had a blood clot, a saddle thrombus, and nothing could be done. It just doesn’t seem possible…two years to the day that Tara died. I’ve often wondered which is worse…a long illness or sudden death. Now I know. I just feel like the entire world has stopped.

A tribute card I made for Melissa. Nothing can take away the pain, but I felt I had to do something to let her know I was thinking of her…
My heart stopped at that very moment as well. The floodgate of memories of unexpectedly losing my precious Harley a little over a year ago, hit me deep in the gut. I cried all day for Melissa and Truffles. Even though I have written a book about the grieving process, it does not mean that I am magically exempt from pain and I was overcome with the emotion of what I knew the days (weeks, months) ahead would be like for Melissa as she tries to make sense of something that makes no sense at all.
And that is why I say, one day to honor hugging your cat is not enough. Hug your cats, all of them, whether they like it or not, ALL THE TIME. I posted this random status update on Facebook last weekend (after I gave my cat Mia a hug that she was not necessarily ready for) and it seems quite fitting at the moment. This was what I said:
I literally cannot walk past any of my cats without giving them a hug, smooch, snuggle or cuddle… whether they want it or not… they are just so darn irresistible! Raise of paws from those that do the same…
This update got 77 likes and over 40 comments. Certainly not record breaking like a Grumpy Cat post, but in my little world, that was a lot of interaction and it proves one thing – we all agree that every day, every minute, every opportunity is the right time to let our cats know we love them. Life truly is fleeting, and as my wise Mr. Jazz would say:
That’s how it is with pets – we open our heart and home to them, but they are with us for borrowed time. Treasure each and every moment you are blessed to have with them as if it might be your last because life truly is fleeting.
Have a lovely Wednesday all – now go and hug your cat(s) from me!!
The last image in this beautiful post says it all: I don’t ever want to live in regret. I just saw the news about Truffles, and I’m still crying. None of us ever know how much time we have with our loved ones, and sadly, we sometimes need reminders, like the tragic loss of a friend’s cat. to remind us of this.
Ingrid – yes, that last image is powerful. Peanut is not one to wait for attention. If she wants it, she will come right out and ask for it. I never say no to her.
I read this beautiful post through eyes blurred with tears, Deb, and it means SO much to me. When I saw your FB post this weekend about walking by your cats and having to stop, I smiled. Truffles never liked to be picked up, but *every single time* I walked by her I would stop and give her a peck on the forehead. She came to expect it, and would look up at me as I was approaching like she was waiting for her smooch.
She knew how precious she was to me, but now I wish that I had done even more. I wish I had put the book or electronic device down when we were cuddling in bed and just took the time to watch her sleep. But I thought we had all the time in the world.
Melissa – you have given me chills… “But I thought we had all the time in the world…” Nobody knows what life has in store for us, no matter how hard we try to predict the future. Truffles was loved to the moon and back and your life was made all the richer for having her in it with you. My heart aches to the very core for you and I simply am at a loss as to how to make it better. The cat community has become one for you and we are holding you in a worldwide hug of love and support. xoxox
Every day is Hug Your Cat Day. And the devastating news about Melissa and Truffles made this hit home even harder. My heart goes out to Melissa.
Island Cat Mom
Thank you for stopping by Island Cats – it is so beautiful to see how many people are reaching out to give Melissa support.
so now I’m sitting here at work and I can feel my eyes getting ready to leak and I’m sad I don’t have a cat handy to force a smooch on, not that most of mine mind that sort of thing
Oh… sorry about that Connie! I have been crying on and off at work for days now… luckily I am pretty much left alone, so no one even notices!
so well said…..we were heart broken too yesterday by the news about Truffle – as we are when any of our friends loses a loved one. mom makes an effort everyday to make sure that we get a long stroke or an “I love you” or a kiss on the head (though some kitten – Daiquiri – last night was doing the bob and weave to avoid being kissed). it helps to being part of a community that understands….
Random Felines – well said. I am always overwhelmed by the love and compassion that our cat community has for one another. We are a special bunch indeed…
What a great reminder. My heart stopped, too, when I heard from Melissa yesterday. My heart aches for her and anyone who has to endure such a sudden, wrenching loss. You can bet I will be hugging my cats!
Cat – I think the world stopped for a brief moment for all of us when we heard the news of Truffles. Lots of tears and hugging going on everywhere!
Deb; what a beautiful card for Melissa and an awesome post. While our pets may not tolerate hugs, being picked up or receiving a smooch on the head, they can be told, “I love you”. I never leave the house without saying this to Tuna
and the same holds true when I leave my parents house, as I tell Boomer & Daisy the same ♥♥♥
Thank you tabbies. And we understand what you mean – all cats have a unique tolerance for how much loving or physical attention they will permit, and that is okay. That’s why we love them so much – because they are wonderfully individual creatures!
Oh Deb, I have tears in my eyes yet again…..mostly heartbroken tears for Melissa and the much-too-early passing of Truffles. It knocked me to the core when I saw her post on facebook. I can’t stop thinking about it and I am simply devastated.
I feel guilty when I yell at Cody (daily) for getting into things that he gets into regularly, I DO pet him and hug him every day………multiple times a day. When Truffles passed it was a brutal reminder of how quickly life can change…in one moment. Same when Harley passed. It just isn’t right, it isn’t fair.
Lastly, thank you for your beautiful mention again, it means the world to me, I just wish that all of the kitties would stay with us so that we don’t have to keep experiencing heartache, but alas, that is one wish that can’t come true.
Much love,
Caren (and Cody too)
Oh gosh Caren – if I could have one wish, it would be that they could stay with us forever, but unfortunately that can never be…
Regarding Cody – I know what you mean – sometimes I get grumpy with the cat litter. Honest to goodness, I feel like the cats are conspiring against me – I scoop, then one of them will go. I scoop again, and they go again… on and on and on. But, putting it in perspective, that God I do have something to scoop. It means they are in my life. Cody knows you adore him, just like my cats know I love them.
And you are welcome regarding the mention – the thanks go to you. The review was so well done and I can’t thank you enough for your kind and beautiful assessment of Purr Prints.
What a beautiful post ! You’re so right, every day is Hug Your Cat Day ; we were shocked when we heard of Truffles’ passing yesterday. Believe it or not, it’s Caren’s review that decided Mum to get your book the day before… You would have one more Like on FB in Mum were conncted with you ! 😉 Purrs
Swiss Cats – I am happy we have finally connected on FB and I look forward to getting to know you better! Thank you so much for deciding to give Purr Prints a try – Caren wrote such a beautiful review and I can’t thank her enough.
Yep mommy has dat theory too. No matter what ifin she’s walkin’ past us even ifin weez sleepin’ and mindin’ our own business, here comes mommy fur a hugs and kiss. But we luv it. Ssshh don’t tell her, or she might stawrt pickin’ us up too. MOL
luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Oh my goodness Dezi and Lexi!! Isn’t hard to be so irresistible!!!?
Well said. I love my girls so much and just can’t pass by them with out petting them, hugging them, kissing them, and talking to them.
No doubt Sweet Purrfections – your girls are definitely the apple of your eye!
Deb, I too am reeling from the shock of Truffles sudden passing and am searching all over my heart for ways to pay tribute to her and support Melissa. Thank you for the reminder to hug our cats and give them kisses even when they find it pesky. We know deep down they love it, and they love us for every display of affection. Oh, sure–I have two that don’t even let me pick them up but they crave my attention and when they allow it, I pet and scratch them, and they snuggle me.
A friend of mine posted this on her page today and it’s resonating for me with your sentiments: “There would seem to be nothing more obvious, more tangible and palpable than the present moment. And yet it eludes us completely. All the sadness of life lies in that fact.” – Milan Kundera (Beautiful Ruins)
Melissa, please believe that Truffles knew that you enjoyed nothing more than her company, even if you weren’t marveling at her in the stillness of each moment. You did in every fiber of your being. I say that to you too Deb of Mr. Jazz and Harley and to all of us with precious babies who have departed. We have to remind one another of all we did to make their lives happy.
I’m giving all 5 special Truffles love today. Peace.
Laura – your words have swept me away with emotion. So touching and beautifully written. Thank you…
And yes, some kitties might find our advances “pesky,” I have a couple cats like that of my own – they want loving on their terms and I am fine with that. Regardless, they know deep down how much they are loved and so we let it be as it is!
TW cried all day yesterday because we knew how Truffle died way too young. Speaking to Melissa last night, our worst fears were true. Her Nicky and Truffles both died of the same thing and went through the same pain. Whenever someone goes over the bridge, I get tons of kisses. Last night when Pop got home, TW told him to hug me tighter. She knew if she’d told him about Truffles during the day, he wuld have cancelled his plans and came right home from work to spend time with me. That’s what kind of Cat Daddy he is.
CK – we knew this news would be very hard for you and our heart goes out to you, Melissa, and anyone who has experienced tragedy like this. Your Pop sure is the best! xoxoxo
A beautifully written post. Life really is fleeting, and it is important to let those that we love know that we love them. I am always sure to give each one of my gang a pat or kiss on the head, a ruffle of the furs, an “I love you” every time I walk by them. It’s impossible not to. The news about Truffles broke my heart, and I hurt for Melissa. I can’t even imagine… Sending lots of love her way.
Thank you for stopping by Kitty Cat Chronicles – it really is impossible not to acknowledge them in some format or another!
Beautiful post and photos. I feel so bad for Melissa and after I read her Facebook post, I did hug most of my cats ( I have 15 so I didn’t get to every single one ).
Ellen – I’m sure in spirit you are hugging all 15 of them! And I know that they know you love them!
My heart breaks for Melissa. The loss of a beloved pet is so painful, but for it to happen so suddenly with no warning makes it so much worse.
Flynn and I cuddle all the time. He likes to spend the evenings in the garden until I go to bed, but he comes in every half hour or so to check on me and jumps up for his kisses and cuddles.
What a poignant reminder to enjoy each and every moment. We’re just heartbroken for Melissa… such a sudden loss has to make it feel as though the world has stopped and turned upside down. Your words haven given all of us, especially Melissa, great comfort.
Again my heartfelt condolences to Melissa. I’ve been through this tragedy. I only wish I had this support group when I lost my Pepe Francois suddenly at age five. One day he was fine, then next day.. I never cried so much in my life. I literally couldn’t breathe and felt my heart break… God bless you all for supporting Melissa at this very difficult time. ~~Christine
It’s so heartbreaking to lose them suddenly. I regret that when it was my Star’s time I was away from home in rehab for my legs. Greg didn’t know what to do, I told him to take her to the ER vet. I never thought that I’d never see her again. My heart breaks for Melissa and everyone when they lose their babies. I need to go hug my kitties now.