Deb Barnes and Christine Michaels to Attend the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale Pet Expo for Pawsitively Humane, Inc.

This was Mom and Christine at an adoption fair last year… One look at the two of them and you know they are nothing but trouble… Who do they think they are? Cats?
Human Mom and her buddy, Christine Michaels of Riverfront Cats are heading out to the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale Pet Expo today to represent their nonprofit, Pawsitively Humane, so that they can help teach people about topics such as pet responsibility and the importance of spay/neuter.
This is all well and good on the surface and we commend Mom for her intentions, but what about her responsibility to us? Who’s going to keep track of her actions? Her actions, that, in our frank opinion, are highly questionable at best. Let us backtrack to explain what we mean and why we are worried.

What the Hell is that? Our reaction after meeting both examples Number One and Number Two (hey, maybe we have a new Dr. Seuss book in the making!)
Example number one: Mom went to Pet Supermarket back in November of 2012 and instead of bringing home food for us like she was supposed to, she brought home a kitten that you now know as Kizmet. Sure, he had a sad story (he was abandoned on the side of the road at about 4 months old) and yeah, he did need a good home and we have come to love him because he actually is quite an awesome cat, but that’s not the point.

This was our first look at Kizmet. Dang… no wonder Mom brought him home… He is kinda charming if you like handsome, irresistible, and cute kittens…
Example number two: Mom and Dad went to a Pet Expo last March. Not only did they leave us with a cat sitter for TWO WHOLE NIGHTS (it’s beside the point that it’s Mom’s Mom who watches us, someone that we know really well and love) when they came home, they brought HER with them. Her, as in Jazmine, the most endearing and adorable kitten that has ever graced the planet (according to Mom and Dad and just about everyone else in this world). Yeah, she’s okay and she’s a rescue kitten like Kizmet too, but how the heck were us other kitties that already lived in the house with Mom and Dad supposed to complete with someone who is so sickeningly perennially cute?

This precious little face is what greeted Mom and Dad at the Global Pet Expo last year… Adorable then, but even worse news, Jazmine gets more adorable with each passing day…
What happened to the good old days when Mom would go places only to come home with STUFF for us, like toys, treats, and catnip? She is going to be gone all day and so you can only imagine our concern. Seriously, it’s getting kind of crowded at our house… and what about our toys? Do you think we have enough to share with another cat or kitten? Highly unlikely if you ask us…

Hmmpfff…. If Mom even remotely thinks she’s bringing home another cat, she better darn well bring more toys too… We barely have enough for the seven of us in these baskets of ours filled to the brim with stuff we never play with.
Please keep your paws crossed for us that Mom stays strong. We know that lots of cats and kittens need a good home and we pray that they find one, but we just prefer it not be with us because “that getting used to a new kitty thing” can be kind of stressful to us existing cats, you know what we mean?
Anyhow, if you’re in the South Florida area, please stop by to say hi to Mom and Christine and while you’re there, do some spying for us to make sure Mom is behaving and not bringing home anything except kitty swag for us…
You never know WHAT… or rather WHO… you’ll find in those cat swag bags!
Your mom is strong in almost every way. But when it comes to furry things that purr… well, all bets are off!
; )
WOW! There’s two of my most favorite Cat Women ever!
8 is grrreat!!!
I smell TROUBLE…..double trouble.
You cats have FuN!!
Uh oh! We hope your mom stays strong too…but then again, you’d like another playmate, wouldn’t you??
Hope your mom and Miss Christine are having a great time!
Have a great time.
guys….safe travels ta mom & christine and lotz oh fun !! may bee they will come
home with a multi level cat condo for everee one; equipped with a fridge in de kitchun;
sisal postz, nip mize N new beds ~~~
now THAT wood be one awesum toy !! ♥♥
We bet your Mom and Christine will have a great time! Stay strong, Mom Deb!
Well if I could bring a Riverfront outdoor cat to steal your heart I would have!!! Sadly those outdoor cats would not do well in a carrier all day with dogs barking all around.
We’ll just have to have an outdoor expo on empty gravel lot where I feed Riverfrontcats. Better yet I often thought of camping out on that lot one night to hang out with cats. The only thing keeping me from this zany idea is not of getting trampled by some drunk who stumbles in, but from creepy crawly roaches and bugs!!! I never camped before. Hey! maybe GLAMPING! There’s a thought! That would be so cool–imagine the photo opps and blog story sensation to educate the world. “Glamping with feral neighborhood cats”!!! Uh oh–I’m onto something Deb and [clearing throat] Dan.