Zee & Zoey’s Rule the World Contest – Closing Arguments and Polls are Opened for Voting!
It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting weeks for – casting our ballet to elect the Cat Ruler of the World for 2012! For those of you that have already made up your mind, we have the link handy right here for you. But, we really, really, really hope out of respect to all involved in this election that you read the Cat-idates closing arguments BEFORE you make your final decision. We also have a few things we would like to say before the proceedings begin, but as promised, here is the link:
→ → → CLICK HERE TO VOTE ← ← ←
Okay, first of all, we would just like to take a brief moment to pay respect and tribute to all those affected by the tragedies of 9/11. From the senseless deaths of the victims, to the survivors who have to suffer the pain of remembering the day, to even the animals that were left homeless in some cases, wondering when their loving caretaker would come home for the day, of which some who never did, we give a moment of silence to all of you.
We also give thanks to the ability of the human spirit to endure and to rise above such tragedy with perserverance and conviction to make the world a better place. We know that firsthand, because even though Zee & Zoey’s Cat Ruler of the World Contest has been done in friendly jest, it was also a campaign for a cause with a strong message of compassion and we are so appreciative of all the sponsors who so generously gave to support the concept. For shelters like Tabby’s Place, Freshfields Animal Shelter, Blind Cat Rescue, Purrfect Pals, and Kitten Action Team, the finances and products that we are able to donate as a result of this contest mean one more day of survival. A detailed list of all of the sponsors and the prizes that they have donated is provided at the end of this post, along with links to their websites and we encourage you to drop by to learn just how much they care about making life better for cats.
And the Cat-idates themselves that worked so hard to make this campaign so much fun and so successful, I humbly thank them as well. I can assure you it was no easy task and I commend all of them for the hard work and effort they dedicated to being a part of this milestone event. All of them are winners and I am not saying that just to be nice. These are top class people who have helped to make a difference for cats in this world and I give them all a standing ovation.
So, for the last time, Cat-idates, I give you one final opportunity to tell everyone why you are qualified to be crowned Zee & Zoey’s first ever Cat Ruler of the World and why the shelter you chose is so important you. Cat’s your answers, please!
Austin of CATachresis campaigning for Freshfields Animal Rescue in the UK: First of all I’d like to thank my energetic and talented campaign manager, Nellie, for her magnificent effort during this long and arduous election.
Ok, let’s cut to the chase! I am not a cat who beats around the bush – I generally dig it up! My message is one of napping and nip, peace, love and tuna to all catkind. And our party is one that is inclusive and diverse, we embrace all species… and dogs. Well we don’t actually embrace dogs, but we allow them to hang around and do menial things like take the humans for walks and run after bits of tree.
Because of our inclusivity agenda, we have chosen Freshfields Animal Rescue as the shelter we are supporting, because they accept all species… even dogs! We have shown that our policies are already being successfully carried out there. It’s a microcosm of our global plan. It can work. It should work. It will work, if we can all work together.
I believe I am the only Cat-idate that has the policies, qualifications and demeanour to successfully rule the world. The other five are very worthy but most of them lack a decent tux.
It’s time for change. Do you want a world where humans continue to have the upper paw? Just look into my eyes… Remember, you can trust a tux!
Odin of Cat Wisdom 101 campaigning for Brigid’s Crossing in FL: To Ms. Barnes, the intrepid and charming host and sponsor, I bow to you in thanks and gratitude. To my fellow nominees, I’m truly honored to have shared the campaign experience with you. Each of you brings something special to the world of cats and those who love them.
I’m named after Odin, Norse one-eyed god of wisdom and who happens to be ruler of the the universe. I do my best to live up to my name, but all joking aside, I know that the winning title: Cat Ruler of the World Contest is merely symbolic. This contest is truly a campaign for a cause. Every time we bring awareness of issues about cats from the importance of spay/neuter, behavior, diet to shedding light on old negative myths about cats, we save a life or change a life of a cat. Win or lose I will continue to do what I’ve always done at Cat Wisdom 101: to enlighten & entertain cat lovers everywhere. I am a survivor who got lucky and it’s a joy to be an advocate to help change lives, one cat at a time.
Each of the candidates has selected a cat shelter who will benefit if their candidate wins. They are all worthy of support. My choice is Brigid’s Crossing Foundation a non-profit, cat rescue and holistic sanctuary in Naples, Florida. It is a no-cage, no-kill, nature-oriented center where most of the cats are indoor/outdoor but safely fenced in. It’s a magical place on six acres where cats are free to be cats and receive extraordinary care. The passionate dedication of everyone who works or volunteers there is humbling. They work miracles every day and I think Brigid’s Crossing is the most unique cat sanctuary in North America and perhaps the world.
Sparkle the Designer Cat campaigning for Tabby’s Place in NJ: By now, everyone is familiar with my platform – designated napping and play times, nip and cat trees in every home, the Feline Goodwill Ambassador program, and a chicken in every pot – so instead of rehashing these details, I’d prefer to talk about Tabby’s Place, and why I think THEY should be the winning shelter. Tabby’s Place is proof that an independent rescue can successfully run a state-of-the-art sanctuary that goes out of its way to save cats that many humans consider throwaways or “special needs” – AND finds homes for them! Tabby’s Place is a model facility and a shining example of hope for others out there who dream of doing the same thing as its founder, Jonathan Rosenberg. When I see a young kitty like Dot, whose spinal bifida leaves her back end virtually useless, and I see her enthusiastically climb a cat tree, bright-eyed and full of fun, I know that miracles happen at Tabby’s Place. Dot WILL have a home someday, instead of being put down, because Tabby’s Place was there for her. A vote for me is a vote for this wonderful sanctuary.
Katie of Glorgirly campaigning for Blind Cat Rescue in NC: I want to thank the many friends and followers of all the candidates for joining us on this journey. In their own unique way, each candidate is making a difference in the lives of cats and their people every single day. It’s the shelters we’re supporting though…they’re the ones making a REAL difference. They’re the stars, the heroes. Yet on the front lines, there’s no glamour, no spotlights.
But how can I, a sassy tuxie cat from Minneapolis, even begin make a difference? As much as I’d like, I can’t bring about world peace. I can’t give every homeless cat a family to call their own. I had to really search my kitty-soul find what it is I have to give. And there it was. A smile.
GLOGIRLY is a place where you can escape what gives you stress or sadness, if for only a minute or two. As long as I have a (fishy-smelling) breath left in this 10lb. furry body of mine, I’ll have a smile waiting for you to lighten your load. Oh, a little sarcasm is bound to find you. But you’ll always leave with smile. As Phyllis Diller put it, “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”
But please don’t vote for me. I have lots of love and a sofa to call my own. It’s the homeless cats with no place to go…THEY need your vote. Everyday, Blind Cat Rescue is making a difference in the lives of suffering and homeless cats all over the country. It’s contests like these that keep them afloat and ensure they’ll be able to comfort another scared, abandoned cat. It’s contests like these that enable them to restore hope and dignity to creatures for whom no one else cares about.
Vote with your heart, all six shelters are deserving. Glogirly and I ask that you think of Blind Cat Rescue when you click the box. “Remember, love isn’t something you see with your eyes.” – Homer, Blind WonderCat
Brian of Brian’s Home campaigning for Kitten Action Team in SC: First I would like to thank the incredible gang at The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey for the wonderful idea for the first Cat Ruler of the World Contest and all of the wonderful sponsors that will make many, many kitties very happy and the lives of the shelter workers a wee bit easier. I would also like to thank the five other candidates for their caring, compassion and devotion to the shelters they represent. I consider each of the other candidates a friend and each and every one of them would make a superb Cat Ruler of the World. It was a pleasure to introduce you to my shelter, Kitten Action Team, and to share their love and devotion to the kitties in their care. Like other rescue groups, they scratch and claw the life out of every dollar that comes their way. I can only imagine being able to ease their burden with such grand prizes. I may not be the flashiest candidate and I’m certainly not the most creative of the bunch. I am, however, dedicated to my cause of helping critters everywhere, without hesitation. I would be most humbled by your support and your vote.
Now I must ask one final favor of you during this election. Please vote, and don’t feel guilty. Only one kitty and one shelter can win, that’s just the way elections happen. I’m okay with that, and you should be as well. Follow your heart and good things will happen for one of these wonderful shelters. Adopt cats, we deserve it!
Cheysuli of The Cat Post Intelligencer campaigning for Purrfect Pals in WA: I hope that you will consider Purrfect Pals, or at least keep them in mind. Small local shelters that do great work really need all the assistance they can get.
The people at Purrfect Pals who volunteer are wonderful. Many of them spend their own money for the shelter, some foster cats, and some clean the kennels regularly. There are people who can be counted on to drive an hour out of their way to pick something up from the main shelter and bring it back to an off site room. Others will drop everything to get a sick cat to one of the shelter vets and there are some who dedicate their weekends to manning booths at fairs, creating and donating toys and products that can be sold at the booths, and people who beg for donations for events like the Black Cat Ball and the Average Joe Cat Show.
Connie Gabelein, the Executive Director worked as the lead volunteer at the off site shelter Mom volunteered at. She used to send her teasing emails about the Meezers they got in. Mom would always follow-up and look, even after she found me! Connie was tireless in her availability even then. She’d work long hours taking cats to emergency vets after hours if needed or taking cats into her own home when they needed a break from the adoption room.
Within our local area there are other really worthy shelters but there are only so many local dollars to go around. Even if you can’t vote for us, if you are local, we hope that you’ll look into supporting us. If you work at a company that will match your donation, please consider making one. Those dollars go a long way in a small shelter.
Thank you Cat-idates. Such heartfelt messages from you all. One last thing, please realize that we all have the power to make a difference. Whether it is donating financially, spreading the word through writing and blogging about issues such as spaying and neutering and TNR programs, donating supplies, volunteering your time, fostering, or anything else you can think of – it all adds up. The worst thing we can do is think that because we are only one person that we cannot make a difference and should not bother trying. This contest and all of the sponsors, the Cat-idates, and all of you fans who have participated, you prove just how much we do care about cats and how collectively the effort of one makes a untied effort of an entire community.
Okay – Finally – IT’S TIME TO VOTE!! Oh, and just in case you don’t know the rules, they will follow. If you do, go ahead and vote and then we recommend you go find a nice sun puddle and curl up with your cat(s) and a good book to read for the rest of the day! Don’t forget to leave a comment either – the prize package you could win is simply AMAZING!

This image was taken by photographer Ralph Crane and appeared in LIFE magazine on December 15, 1961. It is people who are waiting in line to audition their black cats for the movie “Tales of Terror.”
→ → → CLICK HERE TO VOTE ← ← ←
Voting begins at midnight, EST, on September 11th and the polls will remain open until Friday, September 14th, midnight, PST. You can vote only once, so please pick your ultimate Cat Ruler of the World wisely! The voting is anonymous so that nobody will know who the winning cat is until the winner is announced, which will be on Tuesday, September 18th.
To win the grand prize, all you have to do is submit a comment and you are automatically entered for the random drawing. Make sure you fill out the email tab of the comment form so I can contact you if you win. The emails are private that way and will not be shared with anyone. The only catch, unfortunately due to restrictions from some of the sponsors, the grand prize winner is limited to U.S. residents only… We are so, so sorry about that, but that’s what politics is about – a lot of sticky red tape.
Don’t forget we also have two special ways to help raise money for whatever cat shelter ends up winning. NVR Miss Litterbox has a special, limited edition, marble designed “Cat Ruler of the World” litter box available exclusively for this contest. Just click here for ordering details – for every litter box purchased, $10.00 of the proceeds will go to the shelter. My cats swear by this litter box and this is a wonderful opportunity to pick one up and help a great cause!
I am also donating $5.00 for each purchase of my book, The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey, to the winning shelter that is ordered from my website. This book is a feline lover’s delight and is filled with page after page of stunning photographs and charming custom artwork – to order and to check out the pawsome book trailer and all the great reviews on my site, please click here. The story itself is an inspirational and heartfelt account of my life with my furry felines, the invaluable lessons they taught me, and the love story between Zee and Zoey. I write with the humorous style of the late Erma Bombeck, combined with the uncanny ability of Seinfeld Show – I turn the everyday nothing’s of life into an incredible story about something! Discussing such real topics as divorce, moving, home renovations, and unemployment, anyone can relate to my trials and tribulations and how they affected my life with my cats! Not to mention, the book comes beautifully wrapped with leopard tissue paper and a gorgeous bookmark that makes a great gift for any cat lover in your life!
There is one more way to win some fun prizes and there are NO restrictions! For any new “likes” we get on our facebook page during the contest, you will automatically be entered to win one of (6) facebook prize packages we have available!
*Disclaimer. Zee & Zoey’s Chronicle Connection has not been paid by any of the sponsors for product endorsement. All prizes have been donated at the discretion of the sponsors. Because Austin of CATachresis is not a U.S. established residence, his shelter has already been informed in advance that Halo Pet Foods and World’s Best Cat Litter are unable to ship product outside of the U.S. CATachresis has agreed that if they do win, the cash proceeds would go to Freshfields and a follow up contest drawing would be held on Zee & Zoey’s Chronicle Connection blog whereby the product donations in question would go to a U.S. based shelter/rescue. Cati-dates are not eligible to win Grand Prize or Runner-up prize packages.
*WINNING SHELTER – 5000 nutritious meals from Halo and FreeKibble.com to the winning shelter and 1000 meals to all runner up shelters, 2000 pounds of absorbent, natural whole-kernel corn litter from World’s Best Cat Litter and 25 Trial Kits for each shelter to give away to new cat owners who have adopted a pet, a $250.00 financial donation and two cases of any choice of odor product, stain & odor product, or litter spray to the winning shelter and a spray bottle odor assortment to runner up shelters from Zero Odor, a $250 financial donation from PetPlan Insurance, an exclusive offer from NVR Miss Litterbox – for each limited edition “Cat Ruler of the World” litter box purchased, $10.00 of the proceeds will be donated to the winning shelter, and, a special offer from Zee and Zoey themselves – for each copy of their book purchased, The Chronicles of Zee and Zoey, $5.00 of the proceeds will be donated to the winning shelter!!
GRAND PRIZE PACKAGE FOR (1) READER: A Cyclone Cat Toy from Bergan, a Big Sleeky Comfort Lounge from Brawny Cat, a designer ceramic water fountain from Thirsty Cat Fountains, a Kitty Speed Bump from Catpods, a window nap seat from Sunny Seat, a pet bed warming pad from Sunbeam Pets, an autographed copy of “Cat Daddy” by Jackson Galaxy and a holistic spray pack from his Spirits Essence line, a DeShedder grooming tool from FURminator, an autographed copy of “Buckley’s Story” by Ingrid King of the Conscious Cat, a $10.00 gift certificate from PetSmart and a pet feeding bowl from their exclusive Martha Stewart line, a corrugated kitty scratching block from Kittyblock, a stack box from Catty Stacks, a SkratchKabin cat bed from KatKabin, a SpotBot Pet Cleaner from Bissell, a Tiniest Tiger Tote from Triple T Studios, a Multi-Odor Pet Spray Kit from Zero Odor, a limited edition “Cat Ruler of the World” litter box from NVR Miss Litterbox, and a years supply of cat litter (12 coupons for a 7 or 8 lb bag of litter) from World’s Best Cat Litter.
FACEBOOK “LIKES” RUNNER UP PRIZES FOR (6) WINNERS: Feline Lickety Stik treats, assorted cat toys from Moderncat Studio, interactive cat-a-pole toy from Cat-a-pole, Trial Kits from World’s Best Cat Litter, and Zero Odor Multi-Pet Spray Kits.
[album: https://zeezoey.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/New Sponsor Album/]
What a fun way to help shelters. Great idea.
Wonderful heartfelt way to help the helpless. Blessings
I love that 1961 black cat audition photo you found. How neat! Good luck to all the great cats and shelters in this contest.
I voted, I’m following and how can I review your book??
McGuffy’s Reader
What a great idea for a cat-test! Good luck to all the catenders!
Great campaign- great sponsors- great way to help out deserving shelters. You guys rock!
Great contest – even though it was tough to choose ;). Great, fun idea to help shelters.
What a great idea. I wish all shelters could be so lucky to have such wonderful support.
We voted but it was so hard to choose between campaigning friends. Each has a deserving shelter / rescue, which made it harder. Good luck to each of the candidates!
Good luck to everyone!!! I can’t wait to find out which catidate wins. It was hard to decide who to vote for!
Glad I caught the voting before the deadline tonight, all great shelters are in the running, also great pic of the black cats waiting in line.
I hated to choose just one.
Thank you to all those that help!
All of the cute kitties deserve to win, it was hard to choose just one.
This was so hard to choose! I had to remember that kitties win no matter what, but all the catenders are amazing. Thanks for doing this!
I wish they could all win.
Liked and voted. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Odin of Cat Wisdom 101 campaigning for Brigid’s Crossing in FL has worked so hard at Cat Wisdom 101: to enlighten & entertain cat lovers everywhere. We love you Odin!
I LOVE this and this blog is awesome!!! What a wonderful way to help animals….FUN indeed! My daughter and I LOVE cats! All the neighborhood strays seem to find us, whether on their own or sent to us by a higher power…we love each and every one of them…we feed them, provide shelter and vet care…and we use our own money to spay and neuter them…most importantly WE LOVE THEM ALL!!! Needless to say, we rarely eat and we make many sacrifices for the cats, but we wouldn’t have it any other way! Cats are amazing and show so much love back to us! Together, my daughter and I have 28 cats!!!! Woo Weee is right!!!
Great idea!!