Unplugging From Stress and Finding Inner Calm and Peace With the Help of Our Feline Friends!


Guess what folks, try as we might, we can’t control the world, so why not just focus on the life you are blessed to have around you…

I don’t do it nearly enough but this past weekend was a serious exercise in unplugging myself from all things technological. I found my brain being surrounded by a dizzying array of unhealthy karma and so boom, just like that, I walked away. I picked up an Anne Rice novel I had gotten for Christmas to read (The Wolf Gift) and I also situated myself with a red pen to start the editing process with the rough draft of my book.

Well, surprise, surprise but it felt wonderful. The circumstances in my life had not changed – but my mental outlook did and that is what this post is all about today. I invite all of you to take a break – just walk away from your computers, your TV’s, your iPhones, and everything else that has you plugged in. Maybe it will only be a ten minute break or it maybe it will be for a couple of hours or even the rest of the day… only you know what works best for you…

And I know it’s only Wednesday – we tend to think of only allowing ourselves to relax on the weekend. But, with our 24/7 type of life style now, those rules no longer apply, especially since a mental recharge is so important to our heart and health. So, whatever works for you – a nice warm bubble bath with a glass of wine, or a cherished CD that soothes the soul with music like Sade or Enya, or a great book to read – whether new or a beloved old favorite. Monday through Sunday – just try to take a few minutes for your personal self without the clutter of the outside world each and every day.


No… this is not me or my bathtub, but a girl can dream, right….Calgon, take me away…

It was the best thing I did, but what was most wonderful was the renewed connection I felt with my cats when I did take the break. Especially with Kizmet who has become my new best friend – like me,  he is still missing Harley so much and he spent every minute snuggled by my side on the couch that is in my office as I read and relaxed. It was my favorite part of the weekend and I think it was his favorite part as well. Purrs, pets, snuggles, and the love of a cat does wonders to find that perfect zen spot in your heart and soul.

I know I plan on taking more time like this for myself and I hope you all do the same. To help you find your zen, I share some peaceful pictures (please click to enlarge) of my kitties and wish you all a great day!


This is Kizmet keeping my spot warm on the couch while using my book as a pillow! I got up for a brief moment and found him like that when I came back!


I think one of the reasons Kizmet likes being in my office so much is because it helps him feel closer to Harley. It was the last place he had seen her and a picture of her also graces the wall. Sharing this photo with Kizmet is sweet Peanut.


Handsome Zee…


I love this quote because it is so true. Sometimes there is nothing better than complete silence and solitude to truly hear what the world is saying. A cat’s version of us unplugging. This is Zoey who is in deep meditation mode.


Rolz and Mia share a quiet moment together  – the love they have for one another is one of those great gifts to witness when you allow yourself the time to watch your cats interact.


Even though it hurts to share this, I wanted to include my precious Harley, because if there was any cat that knew how to unplug from the clutter of everyday life, it was her! I miss you so much my darling girl…


Mia and Peanut sharing a blissful sunbeam…


Our darling Jazmine sums it all up so perfectly – a content cat is the quickest route to bringing a smile to the heart!

Zzzzzzzzzzzz…Sweet dreams…………


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  1. Ingrid King says:

    Great advice, and wonderful photos. I’m glad you’re starting to feel a little better.

  2. Connie Marie says:

    Thank you, your whole post was so calming.
    Needed it.
    Question, doesn’t Anne Rice write about vampires and such?
    Not judging, curious about what your new book is about. Her sister used to write about dragons, I read her books, but have nightmares about vampires. Also need new books to read!

    • Deb says:

      Connie – yes, Anne Rice does write about vampires. This particular book is about a man who turns into a wolf every night. I normally don’t read these types of books, but her writing is so vivid and rich that I can’t help but be captivated by her style. Some of this book is quite graphic so if you have a tendency towards nightmares, you might not want to read it! My new book is written in the voice of Mr. Jazz and is his life and death story and how we as humans deal with the grieving process.

  3. Ma and I have started to unplug one day a week. We find that because of the blog, social media, and emails that we are not only getting sucked in to the vortex of the internet but we don’t get enough quality time together or exercise. One day a week we limit ourselves to just short statues and a simple like if someone comments but we still do our unplug once a week.
    Sometimes you have to unplug just to discover the world around you.

    • Deb says:

      Such a great plan Carma Poodale – we bet that the whole family enjoys that one day a week very much and it sounds wonderful!

  4. Judi Daly says:

    I’ve opted to not have any form of internet except from my work computer–and I don’t miss it in the least. I go home in the evenings and the weekend and totally disconnect from technology. It makes my home feel like a haven from the world. I have my animals and my rotary phones. (I have a prepaid, cheap cellphone, so even that doesn’t tempt me.)

    Someday, when my dream comes true and I will no longer have to work, I will have to get a computer, but I will try to not get swept up into it, so I can continue to have a peaceful home.

    • Deb says:

      Judi – that sounds wonderful. My dream is to have a tiny English Cottage type of home where I am surrounded by gorgeous flowers and wildlife. I would have an office where I could look out the window at the peaceful view and write books while my cats are by my side (or on my lap).

  5. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    kizmet…dood…ewe knead a wider perch buddy….look, yur leg canna even relax
    tell yur dad ta install one thatz bout 45 feet wide N make sure ya get a snax tray inn clooded!!!

  6. so very true….mom has discovered the best way to unplug is take a book and ignore everything for a couple of hours. plus if someone falls asleep on her, she tends not to get up and move around as much MOL

    • Deb says:

      I think that is the best part Random Felines – once a cat falls asleep on us we are forced to relax and I think they do it on purpose because they know it!

  7. Kitties Blue says:

    I used to be so good at this. I could turn my back on the computer for weeks at a time, and I never used my phone. Since I started blogging, it seems as if I can’t get away from them. We really need to try to emulate our cats. I’ve been voting for you in the Petties and will continue to do so. Good Luck. Hugs, Janet

    • Deb says:

      Kitties Blue – such is the crux of being a great blogger like you are!! Thank you so much for voting for us – we appreciate the support!!

  8. mariodacat says:

    Great advice and I did it recently just when I began to feel overwhelmed. it worked, I’m rejuvenated again. I don’t know for how long, fur when it wears off, it will; be time for another. Technology is great, but I think most of us are in head over heels and we’ve forgotten what the simple life is. On the other hand tho, I’d miss it after a period of time as it’s a great social outlet and I’d miss all the friends I’ve gotten to know over the past 5 years. Love your pictures, as always.

    • Deb says:

      Mariodacat – no question, we love our technology too and would miss it if we didn’t have it… like you, we have made so many great friends. The key is finding a happy balance and unplugging for a brief spell or two is the purrfect way to do it!

  9. Good advice, Deb. I really need to unplug more.

    Island Cat Mom

  10. Such wonderful advice Deb …and as always, gorgeous pics! The quotes that go with them are so very fitting. This morning I had a “play date” as Mark calls it….brunch with a dear friend that I don’t see nearly enough…we spent the morning talking, laughing and if either of our phones rang we simply ignored them. What a lovely day….now I have to go catch up…but it was worth it!

  11. Carolyn says:

    Lovely post and lovely pictures. I only have to look at Austin sleeping to feel the tension ebbing away xx

  12. Flynn says:

    Those are lovely relaxing photos.

  13. Rosemary says:

    Wonderful peaceful pictures! Thank you!

  14. Such relaxing photos. No one knows how to relax quite like cats! The key to being connected to the internet is remembering moderation. Stepping back and catching your breath is always a good thing, whether it’s from the digital world or from a busy day!

  15. Very wise to disconnect from the routine and reconnect with other joys, inner self…

    Love the photos! Those alone calm me.

    So glad you are on the mend.
    Warm hug

    • Deb says:

      Thank you Christine – the mend is far from over, but it is nice to feel a bit more human than I did a few weeks ago!

  16. Melissa LaNinfa says:

    Deb – thanks for this! We all need to unplug sometimes. I get annoyed with Dakota sometimes because she head butts my hand when I’m trying to use the mouse. Then, I remember how lucky I am to have such a beautiful animal who WANTS my attention. That is truly something to smile about.

    • Deb says:

      You are so right about that Melissa – our little Peanut can be quite the persistent pest like Dakota, but I always remind myself what a precious gift she is and give her the attention she wants!

  17. Peep #1 and I did somethin’ similar about a week ago. We didn’t actually ‘unplug’ ourselves but we did walk away from some pretty negative energy and have not yet returned. It felt wonderful. Still does, in fact. No one needs that sort of stuff. You know?

    Nissy #Niss4Senate

  18. What a timely quote – and much MUCH needed. So glad you chose to unplug – and very glad you shared the advice as well. HUGS!

  19. Sue Brandes says:

    It’s good to do that once in awhile. Lovely post and photos.