Lazy Caturday and Zee & Zoey’s Chronicle Connection Nominated for Dog Time’s 2013 Pettie Awards for “Best Designed Blog”
First of all – thank you so much for all the awesome birthday wishes for Kizmet that you left for him on the 4th of July! He was completely overwhelmed by your kindness and wishes he had thumbs so he could personally send you all a thank you note. Since that is not the case, not to mention that he has a limited attention span and would forget to write them to begin with, please accept his humble thanks via me, his human slave.
Now that the festivities are over, we finally have the rest of the summer to just kick around and be lazy.… well, that, and to wear you all out by asking you to vote for us in the category of “Best Designed Blog” to win a Pettie Award! That’s right – thanks to all of you for your kindness and support, we have been nominated for a Pettie and have a chance to win some desperately needed money for our newly founded non-profit, Pawsitively Humane, Inc. that we will be launching with Christine Michaels of Riverfront Cats this summer (and a special congratulations shout out to Christine who has been nominated for two Pettie Awards – Best Blog Post and Best Rescue Blog!!)
To show our appreciation for all of your support, I reached out to the Zee/Zoey gang so that they could thank you and as you can well imagine, it did not go too well. Please don’t take it personally, but apparently they already have a full day of napping booked and for them the lazy days of summer are a literal term. For me, not so much… Sigh… as always, they leave everything up to me…
Anyhow, it really is as easy as clicking this link once a day until July 31st to vote for your favorite bloggers. So many of our friends have been nominated and we wish everyone the best of luck. Just please try to vote quietly as our kitties have asked to not be disturbed…

“Hey,” says Rolz. “I believe Mia told you to step away… this is serious nap time you are interrupting.”
Have a wonderful Caturday all and thank you again for the support – it means the world to me to know that Zee and Zoey’s blog can bring a bit a brightness to your day!
Congratulations on your nomination!! You really deserve it and I wish you good luck! Great photography, btw. 🙂