It’s National Cat Day, what else can I possibly say?
Hmm…shall we start with my house?
Mine is a kingdom ruled by eight feisty felines, and certainly nary a mouse.
The living room is lived in – oh yes, it is – with dozens of cat beds, kitty trees, and blankets scattered about.

Psst…need a toy? Just come over here, under the couch!
Add to that the mountain of cat toys – what would you like – squeaky, feathers, fur, or stuffed? Let me check, I’m sure I can find what you like under the couch.
Or perhaps you’d prefer some peace and quiet?
Did I mention I have eight felines, so every day is quite the rambunctious riot.
Never mind that how about you just sleep in? Just remember, with my cats, anything past 5:00 a.m. is considered a sin.

Weekday, weekend, the time has no boundaries when you’re a cat.
Chop, chop out of bed, human, the howls start. Time to feed us breakfast, who cares if it’s pitch dark.
I stumble out of bed, an athlete at her best, maneuvering a feline obstacle course as I strive to walk to the kitchen without a misstep.
The feeding begins – this one gets this, and that one gets that. No wait, it’s that one gets this, and this one gets that.

Feeding time is always an ordeal when you have 8 hungry cats with individual diet needs!
Pick up the dishes and on to the next, scooping the litterbox and moving on to the rest.

If you scoop it, they will come.
Scoop I do, followed by pooh. Scoop again, kitty says thank you. A clean box for me, now here’s a new gift for you.
The day ends with me on the couch. Like a moth to a light, I become covered in cat. It’s a glorious moment and I think to myself, National Cat Day, that’s every day in my house.

Happiness is being with happy cats!

National Cat Day was founded in 2005 by Colleen Paige, a pet and family lifestyle expert, in support of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, to help galvanize the public to recognize the number of cats that need to be rescued each year and to encourage cat lovers to celebrate the cat(s) in their life for the unconditional love and companionship they bring us.