Wordless Wednesday – The Cats Let it All Hang Out…


The early days… back when all four of Zee and Zoey’s kittens lived with us – at this point they did not have permanent names and we could barely tell them apart.

Once upon a time for 4 little kittens, hanging out consisted of a very orderly world with a floor and 4 walls. And then one day at approximately 8 weeks of age, the floodgates of the bedroom door opened up and a whole new world existed. One that was tall and could be climbed. Ever since then the term hanging out had a whole new meaning. Literally… Check it out…

Kittens on cathouse

A tall world of cat trees is discovered and the fine art of “letting it all hang out” begins! We still had the four kittens at this point.


Our current gang of three – Mia, Rolz, and Peanut. The fourth kitten is none other than Zeuss Catt who has lived with a friend of ours in Boston ever since he was old enough to be weaned from Zoey!


Rolz and Mia take relaxing and letting it all hang out to the ultimate extreme…. Pose Number 1…


Rolz and Mia… Pose Number 2…


Mia and Rolz… Pose Number 3…


A solitary hangout with Peanut…


And Mia…


And the ultimate cool cat hanging out in style – Rolz


Not to be left out, Kizmet lets us know that he can let it all hang out too!


And just who taught these cats how to let it all hang out to begin with? Why, Zee, the King of making hanging out look so easy, of course!


But what about Zoey? After all, she is the kitten’s mother… Hmmmph…. Hanging out and just relaxing would never be something this refined cat would ever be caught doing…

What about your kitties? Do they like to let it all hang out? Or like Zoey, are they more dignified and refined? Let us know!!

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  1. Oh, your kitties definitely got their hanging out genes from Zee! My boys let it all hang out all of the time!
    Happy WW to you and your beauties (I’m a little late but I could not miss my weekly Z&Z cat fix!)

  2. Oh to be a kitty in the Zee Zoey house!!!
    ….ok, truth be told we’re just a teensy bit spoiled here too.
    Katie & Waffles

  3. I feel pure joy when I see pics of your happy crew.